Alexander Barlow

Alexander Barlow

Modern piano music

I am a performer. I do not write music with money as the only thing in my mind, I write music to please myself, and if I am lucky, others. Please enjoy yourself!

Neue Noten
Allegro in D minor
Klassische Musik / Kammermusik
Passacaglia and counterpoint in B minor
Klassische Musik / Kammermusik
Piano Fantasia No.6 in G major
Klassische Musik / Musikstück
Piano Fantasia No.5 in G minor
Klassische Musik / Musikstück
Piano Fantasia No.4 in F major
Klassische Musik / Musikstück
Piano Fantasia No.3 in A major
Klassische Musik / Musikstück
Piano Fantasia No.2 in D minor
Klassische Musik / Musikstück
Piano Fantasia No.1 in C minor
Klassische Musik / Musikstück
Fugato for Piano and String Orchestra
Klassische Musik / Fuge
Study number 7 in Eb Major
Klassische Musik / Etüde
06 Juli 2012, Artikel
Performance tonight
Tonight, I'm performing to showcase my school's talent. I fond out about it 2 weeks ago, but was told nothing else about when and where to perform. I found out that it was at the local theatre (could have been at the school) only 2 days ago. I was ...
26 Juni 2012, News
Exams are over!
The exams are finally over for this year! Early holidays... ...means 2 things. 1) more music for my (very small) crowd of fans! I plan to work on some string quartet and piano stuff, which will be amazing as it means I can actually look at ...
10 Mai 2012, Artikel
Andrea Baker :D
Oh my guuuuh! THAT WAS AMAZING :D I played 'Habanera' from Carmen with her, and she sang :D I also played Faure's 'Ici-bas', which I totally messed up, but what the Hell. MY GUUUH! :D So happy! :D :D :D I now look forward to ...